

Learn how to achieve great results from a pro with 15 years of top-notch digital experience. By the end of our session together, you and your team will feel empowered to go forth and be brilliant online.


People take 6 to 8 seconds to decide if your web page is worth reading or not. If you want to learn how to write website copy that speaks your customer’s language and makes a bigger impact online, this workshop is for you.


Need someone to walk you through how to manage and maintain your website? Tell me what you’d like to do and I’ll put together a training session just for you. By the end of the day you’ll be armed with the knowledge and confidence you need to whip your website into shape.

Afraid you’ll do something weird or wrong on social media and everyone will laugh at you? I can help. My social media training sessions for individuals and groups will help you solve the riddle of social media and give you the confidence to post, share, follow and interact like a pro. Get in touch for a chat to and I’ll tailor a training session just for you.

Does email marketing give you the willies? Well worry no more. My email marketing training sessions for individuals and groups will give you the confidence to create, distribute and report like a pro. Get in touch for a chat and I’ll tailor a training session just for you.

Let's start making magic happen

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